In a study of athletes taking in the same amount of protein (1.

Athletes require higher protein intakes to support increased activity and strength athletes benefit from higher intakes to support growth Free Trial of LBM 5 , 22 - 28 Some researchers suggest these requirements increase further when athletes undergo energy restriction 13 , 16 , 22 , 28 - 33 Furthermore, there is evidence that protein requirements are higher for leaner individuals in comparison to those with higher body fat percentages 7 , 33 , 34. Competitive bodybuilders traditionally follow two to four month diets in which calories are decreased and energy expenditure is increased to become as lean as possible 2 - 6 In addition to fat loss, muscle maintenance is of primary concern during this period. As a final note, this paper does not cover training recommendations for natural bodybuilding and the training methodology used will interact with and modify the effects of any nutritional approach.

Within this caloric intake, most but not all bodybuilders will respond best to consuming 2.3-3.1 g/kg of lean body mass per day of protein, 15-30% of calories from fat, and the reminder of calories from carbohydrate. Initially when you workout your body use glycogen attached with your muscles but after some time you need other energy sources such as hard digestive carbs like sweet potatoes and oatmeal. Many builders use anaerobic steroids which works by introducing an outside hormone in the body for building up muscles.

What are the Effects of Taking Bodybuilding Supplements? With diets being so high in protein, sometimes bodybuilders miss out on some of the nutrients found in fruits and vegetables. In each case, in my opinion all substances that don't occur in a normal healthy daily diet, especially when they are supposed to manipulate your hormone levels, should not be used by true natural bodybuilders.

While some scientific research seems to support some cardiovascular health benefits from omega-3 fatty acids, supplementation with these essential fatty acids will not increase muscle growth or body fat reduction. The levels of creatine phosphate in your muscles increase, resulting in more energy during your workouts. All other bodybuilding supplements either do not work at all or have no place in true natural bodybuilding.